Creation Story
The first story in the Bible is the Creation Story--how the world was made. The beginning of God's labor was the creation of the earth and of heaven, which was the air, or atmosphere, round about the earh, for heaven itself already existed. The earth was without form and in darkness, until by the divine command the sun and moon and stars burst into being and cast their first light upon the new world.
The creation story continued as God divided the waters and made the dry land to appear, and in the latter planted the seed of every kind of tree, grass, and herb, which were made to spring up and yield their fruit to bless the earth, and the creatures which were brought into being. The waters were made to bring forth fish or every species including the great whales and other monsters which belong to the deep. Winged fowls were made to fly above the waters and the earth. Then followed the creation of all manner of beasts and cattle, and things that creep as well, so that on the last day of God's labor the earth was teeming with life, both great and small.
This series of images from of the Creation Story from Genesis are from my collection of old Bible books. Feel free to use these pictures of the Creation Story in your artwork. Click on Creation Story illustations below to see more details about saving a free image or about purchasing images from the Creation Story at a higher resolution.