Hagar and Ishmael
It was while Abraham dwelt in the domains of Abimelech that God's promise was fulfilled to Sarah and her son was born. His parent were filled with joy. But it was an unhappy day for the poor Egyptian servant Hagar. Sarah saw Hagar's son Ishamel playing and jesting with little Isaac. Or perhaps he mocked and teased the child, for Sarah flared into anger against Hagar for a second time, and demanded that she be driven out of the encampment. Abraham was reluctant to allow this, for he loved Ishamel his first-born son. But God Himself spoke to Abrahm and commanded that his sacrifice be made. And so Araham gave Hagar and Ishamel provisions and sent them away.
Hagar was trying to find her way back to her own home of Egypt with the child. However, she soon became lost and her water supply was exhasuted. Ishamel faltered and fell fainting by her side. She sat against her dying son, lifted up her voice, and wept in despair and agony.
For a second time, Hagar was saved by divine intervention. God had promised that Ismael would be the father of a wild and powerful race, so He sent his angel to guide Hagar to a well where she could get water for her son. God watched over Hagar and Ishmael, who grew to be an archer, as the two dwelt in the wilderness of Paran together. Ishamel lived to be a 137 years old and ruled over the deserts, and became the chief ancestor of the race of the Arabs.
These pictures of Hagar and Ishmael are from my collection of antique books. Feel free to use these Hagar and Ishmael illustrations in your art projects. Click on the Hagar and Ishmael drawings below to see more details about saving a free Hagar and Ishmael image or about purchasing the Hagar and Ishmael images at a higher resolution.