The Garden of Eden
The record of Moses tells us that the "The Lord God planted a garden eastward of Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed." In the Garden of Eden God made to grow every tree and flower that was beautiful to the sight, and that yielded the most delicious fruits.
In this garden Adam was placed and told to freely eat of everything that pleased him except of the fruit of a single tree that stood in the center of this earthly paradise, and of this he was forbidden to touch. God told Adam that this tree bore fruit which was mortal to the taste, and that if he ate of it the penalty would be death.
After giving possession of the Garden of Eden to Adam, God caused every species of bird, animal, and reptile that He had created to pass before Adam, who gave to each the name by which it should forever be known.
These drawings of the Garden of Eden are from my collection of antique Bible books. Feel free to use these pictures of the Garden of Eden in your artwork. Click on the Garden of Eden illustations below to see more details about saving free Garden of Eden pictures or about purchasing an image of the Garden of Eden at a higher resolution.