David and Jonathan
Though King Saul wavered in his attitude toward David, there was one who did not hesitate. That was the king's heroic son Jonathan. Jonathan was quick to recognize in David a nature kindred to his own. Perhaps also he felt the coldness of his father's reception of their deliverer, since Jonathan himself had suffered from the wild and unjust temper of his father, who would have slain him in the very hour of their greatest victory.
So Jonathan welcomed David at once at that first meeting; his soul went out to the victorious youth as to a brother. Perhaps the two young men left Saul's presence together, for we learn that David and Jonathan made an immediate compact of friendship.
Later, when Saul approached Jonathan about slaying David, Jonathan went at once to his friend to warn him of the danger, and the two planned for David's flight. Meanwhile Jonathan bravely faced his father, openly rebuking him and reminding him of David's faithfulness and of his vast services to Israel. Through other trials, Jonathan remained David's loyal friend and protector until the day of Jonathan's death at the hands of the Philistines on Mount Gilboa.
On this page you'll find nine images of David and Jonathan taken from my collection of antique Bibles and story books. You're welcomed to use these pictures of David and Jonathan in your artistic creations. Click on the David and Jonathan illustrations below to see more details about saving a free David and Jonathan image or about purchasing the images of David and Jonathan at a higher resolution.