Book of Jeremiah
Much difficulty has arisen in reference to the writings of the Book of Jeremiah from the apparent disorder in which they stand in our present copies, and from the many disagreements between the Hebrew text and that found in the Septuagint version, and many conjectures have been hazarded respecting the cause of this disorder.
Apparently the prophets kept written records of their predictions, and collected them into larger volumes they intended for permanent use. In consequence, there are two great divisions: Prophecies delivered at various times, directed mainly to Judah, or connected with Jeremiah's personal history and prophecies connected with other nations.
Various passages which exist in the Herbrew are not found in the Greek copies. Besides these discrepancies, there are numerous omissions and frequent variations of single words and phrases. However, the genuineness and canonicity of the writing of Jeremiah in general are established both by the testimony of ancient writers and by quotations and references which occur in the New Testament.
These pictures from the Book of Jeremiah were taken from several old Bible books. You're welcomed to use these Book of Jeremiah illustrations in your art projects. Click on the Book of Jeremiah drawings below to see more details about saving a free image or about purchasing the images of from the Book of Jeremiah at a higher resolution.