With the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, David was formally anointed king of Judah at Hebron. His dominion was nominally confined to Judah. Gradually his power increased, and during the two years which followed the elevation of Ish-bosheth, a series of skirmishes took place between the two kingdoms followed by the successive murders of Abner and Ish-bosheth. The throne, so long waiting for him, was now vacant, and the united voice of the whole people at once called him to occupy it. For the third time he was anointed King David, and a festival of three days celebrated this joyful event.
These images of King David were taken from my collection of antique Bibles and story books. You're welcomed to use these pictures of King David in your artistic creations. Click on the King David illustrations below to see more details about saving a free King David image or about purchasing the images of King David at a higher resolution.