Prophet Jeremiah
The Prophet Jeremiah was called to the prophetic office at a very young age, and prophesied for forty-two years. However, there is hardly any mention of him during the eighteen years between his call and Josiah's death, or during the short reign of Jehoahaz. During the reigns of Jehoiakim and Jehoiachin, he opposed the Egyptian party, then dominant in Jerusalem. He also maintained that the only way of safety lay in accepting the supremacy of the Chaldeans, who were attacking Jerusalem. Because of this, he was accordingly accused of treachery. As the danger from the Chaldeans became more threatening, the persecution against Jeremiah grew until the people sought his life. He was eventually seized and thrown into a prison-pit to die, but was eventually rescued.
At last the city was taken by the Chaldean army, and the temple was burnt. Jeremiah was given fair treatment by the Chaldeans, but after the death of Gedaliah, their governor, the people, disregarding Jeremiah's warnings, took refuge in Egypt, carrying the prophet with them. It is assumed that he died in Egypt sometime thereafter.
These drawings which show the Prophet Jeremiah are from a number of Biblical texts. Feel free to use these pictures of the Prophet Jeremiah in your art work. Click on the illustrations below to see more details about saving a free image of or about purchasing a higher resolution image of the Prophet Jeremiah.