Little Captive Maid
The king of Syria had a captain over his army named Naaman. Naaman was a very rich man, but he also had leprosy for which there was no cure. Naaman was also an idolater, as were the king of Syria and all his people.
Sometime before, the Syrians had fought with Israel and taken a little girl from Israel prisoner and brought her to Syria. The little maid was taken to Naaman's house and she waited upon Naaman's wife. She was very obedient and tried to please her mistress. Naaman and his wife treated the little girl kindly, and she felt sorry to see her master suffering from leprosy so much. Then she recollected Elisha, and all the miracles he had done.
One day the Little Captive Maid told her mistress about the great prophet Elisha, who was in Samaria and that he would be able to cure Naaman. When Naaman heard about this, he and the the king were glad to hear that Naaman could be cured. So Naaman made ready his horses, and chariots, and servants and went to Samaria.
This series of images of the Little Captive Maid are from my collection of antique Bible books. Feel free to use these pictures from of the Little Maid in your artwork. Click on the illustrations below to see more details about saving a free image or about purchasing the images of the Little Captive Maid at a higher resolution.